
"Where have you come from, and where are you going?"

Do you know the story of how you've come to where you are? 

The truth is that the path you're looking for, few find. I wish it were as easy as knowing some principles, or some success formula. 

What we've lost as a culture is an understanding that life, healing, and purpose are a journey. The journey is understood best as a story. You have a narrative of your life right now. 

But if you want greater purpose, greater delight, greater pleasure, greater honor, and greater goodness, then you must travel the road most avoid and few are daring enough to venture on.

This road is costly. You may lose your friends, your community, your hope, your faith, and your ability to love. 

But if you travel the road of telling your story to wise, kind, and caring people, you experience the filling and goodness you really crave. 

So, where does it all start?

It starts with desire.

You were created to experience delight, pleasure, honor, gratitude and awe in relationship. We all desire this. It is nuanced and specific to your unique design, but the categories above give some context to what they are.

What do you most long for? What do you enjoy?

List these. Asks your friends and family what they're answers are of you concerning these two questions.

You are becoming aware. Over time, several years and the rest of your life, these will become clearer. Cultivate patients. Internalize Christ's grace that you're incomplete, yet ever becoming more like him. Imagine God standing in front of you. He has a smile and is delighted to be in your presence.

If that is difficult for you to imagine, feel, and experience, then this gives a heading for your journey. You need to experience secure attachment. You need to experience this multiple times over many years in loving community, and grace filled. The community also needs to tell the truth of who God is calling you to become. As you experience Christ through others, you will begin to internalize Christ's love.

 What is your struggle?

Your struggle primarily centers around lust and anger, idolatry and murder. Your struggle centers around what you desire, but evil and shame have assaulted your ability to hold faith, hope, and love.

Again, this is nuanced and specific to you. You will discover these themes more as you explore your story with kind and loving story guides.

Are you ready to begin?