Are You Truly Living, or Are You Wondering?

April 13, 2016 Nick Meeder No comments exist


You have been created for great things. You have been made unique. You are one of a kind and there is no one else exactly like you. You have been placed here on earth for a specific plan and purpose.

The question is, do you feel that the above statements are true for you? Perhaps, rather, you feel that, though you know Jesus Christ, you seem to wonder through life going from crisis to stagnation until the next crisis comes. Zig Zigler said, “You’re either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or going into a crisis.” That is how many live their lives. This is no way to live! How can those who follow Christ not be living a free and victorious life? Yet, that seems much of the present state for many people.

There are two steps I’ve found effective for living, following, and choosing the purpose that I was created for, which, I believe, can also help you.

  1. Gain perspective on your past, the events and relationships that have influenced your life and how you make decisions. This is where you find what holds you back – patterns of destructive behavior, limiting beliefs,  lies about yourself, those who negatively impacted you, and who you believe God really is. All of these influences impact who you are today, how you see yourself, others, and most importantly, how you view God. From all these influences is what impacts your decision making process. I suggest setting aside a period of quiet where you can be alone and undisturbed. Start by inviting the Holy Spirit to lead you into all the truth He wants to reveal to you about your past and your influencers. Ask Him to reveal the truth, how He wants you to change. Ask Him to use the truth to expose the lies you’ve believed about yourself, your life, your relationships, and most importantly, the lies you’ve believed about your Heavenly Father.
  2. Surrender your life to your Father in heaven for His purpose. Once you’ve gained perspective on who you’ve become and how you’ve become who you are, then begin by surrendering your life to your Father in heaven for His purpose. You cannot live the free and victorious life if you live your own selfish design of what you think will bring you fulfillment and peace. There is only One who can bring you fulfillment and peace. You cannot have permanent happiness and joy by trying to find it in your circumstances, career, financial gain, spouse, or relationships. You will find destruction and despair if you seek fulfillment by your own hand and power. Surrender to His LifePlan for you. Once you surrender, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of how He has gifted you. Seek out your giftedness. When you discover your giftedness, then stay there and operate in your sweet spot. If you’re implementing your giftedness, you will find, as the great runner, Eric Liddell, did, “…God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.” When you’re operating in the giftedness that God has put in you, you will find the pleasure and delight in God that brings permanent happiness and joy.

Question: Are you living the plan God intended you to live? Do you feel free and victorious? What areas are you struggling in? If there was a process of discovering your potential, giftedness, and gaining perspective would you be interested? Please leave a comment.

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