July 4th Reflection

July 4, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

While July 4th is certainly a time of celebration, it is also a time of reflection. Our country’s foundation was an interesting progression in response to tyranny, but most importantly, one founded on God’s principles. 

One thing I lose sight of is that the success of any individual or body of people rests solely on the foundation of principles and ethics instilled and acted upon in the individual or group. Why is this so? All success and blessing comes from God, not of our own hands.

God’s laws and principles governing our world dictate this to be so. One law God instituted is that you reap what you sow. Our founding fathers, fallen in their own ways and suceptable to their own vices, still founded (sowed) this country on God’s principles. The produce (reaping or harvest) of that was a thriving country blessed by God. It was not by our hands or our founding fathers’ hands, but God acting on the promise that He set in place, which has yielded such a free country.

Let each of us pause now and consider in ourselves upon what foundation are we building? What are you sowing to? Are you sowing to the Holy Spirit Who acts and convicts in you to produce fruit in keeping with righteousness? Or are you sowing to the flesh which will result in pain? What is one area of your life that you know you’re not acting according the Spirit’s desire? Surrender it to Him and ask that He would help you to act and think as He wants you to do. Remember, you will reap a harvest according to what you are sowing.

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