To be and operate at the highest level you can, you need to make sure that you’re being filled back up after you’ve poured out into your work, family, friends, tasks, or projects.
God even set the example for you by resting on the seventh day after working six days in creating the universe. Jesus also found time to get away from everyone and pray. However, you can get so caught up in the pursuit of more that you lose sight of what is necessary to give your best to those you love or things you care about. Maybe you find yourself over booked from saying, “yes,” to everyone and every event.
This I can say with certainty, you don’t have to say, “yes,” to everything. If being a people pleaser is something you struggle with, which is why you struggle with telling someone, “no,” ask yourself, “why?” “Why do I care so much about what someone else thinks of me? Should I care so much about what someone thinks of me? Why do I feel the need to be fulfilled through this person’s opinion? Why would I feel less of who God created me to be, if I say, ‘no?’” So what if you miss the cool awesome event. So what if you don’t get to go there or hang out with so and so. If you don’t take care of yourself, eventually you might be forced to because of your physical health or relationships deteriorating.
Make sure that you are taking time to replenish yourself so that you can pour back into the life and callings God has for you. You must guard your personal time. If you don’t, eventually it will all build up inside and explode, or you’ll burn out because there’s nothing left to give. If you’re an introvert, make sure that you’re spending time with someone. You don’t want to be left to your own thoughts. Isolation will deteriorate you. Make sure that after you’ve poured out into the activities of your life that you’re also being refilled. While I am extraverted at times, eventually, I get drained. I need time to think, reflect, journal, process the events of my life, or talk with God by myself. Find three to five things that replenish you, and make sure you do them!
The cup of water and lemon in the picture was very refreshing, by the way.