How to Complete Tasks and Gain More Mental Bandwidth

August 22, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

One thing that never seems to end is the amount of tasks I have to do. Then, there are friends, obligations, and other things to do on top of my task list.

I try to use a task management app called Nozbe. It’s free and I like it a lot, but what matters more than the task management tool is the system you use to capture, remind, schedule, and do the tasks. If you’re unfamiliar with task management processes, I would recommend reading and implementing David Allen’s, “Getting Things Done.” You can spend hours gathering all the different tasks into an app, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t do them, or have a system to process and manage them. I like Nozbe because it integrates with google calendar and so the tasks will show up as something that’s scheduled.

Where things usually break down in my system is two areas. The first is having a consistent review and processing of my inbox at regular intervals to handle new tasks. What this looks like is I don’t review it at a specific, undisturbed time everyday and so the tasks pile up, and then I get overwhelmed by the tasks. Two things I try to do to avoid getting overwhelmed is either delegate it or eliminate it. 

The second break down in my system is remembering what my life’s priorities are. There are more things to do than I will ever have time to do. So, life is about doing the right things, or the things of significance. Those things must always take presidence over other things. 

In order for that to take place, though, my priorities must be deeply held convictions in my mind and emotions. Otherwise I will allow them to be overridden. This also requires me to write them down so that I know what they are and set the boundaries.

A task management system will help free up your mind’s thinking and creativity because you won’t have to remember and keep track of it all. That is the essential premise of David Allen’s book. However, if you haven’t done this before, it will require some intentional hustle to establish the new habit. Yet, once the new habit is formed, then your mind’s thinking pattern will start to open up and the process becomes easier.

What ways do you manage the tasks and things in your life? I’m interested to know how you do it? You might have some good ideas that I’d like to put in my own systems. Let me know if you have some insights.

One important thing to remember is that Jesus didn’t have a task management system and He did only what was significant. God has the ability to effect everything. This is why it is important to know your priorities. Jesus did only what he saw His Father doing. Remember, when it comes to task management, the tool was made for man, not man for the tool.

“So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.” ‭‭John‬ ‭5:19‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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