How to Have a Full Joy: “Love One Another”

April 20, 2016 Nick Meeder No comments exist


In the gospel of John, specifically in chapter 15, Christ gives a discourse on the importance of abiding in Him. He compares Himself to a vine and that His disciples are the branches. This is important because a branch cannot bear fruit if it is not attached to the vine. The implication being that Christ is the source of nourishment and enablement for the branches (His disciples) to bear fruit. This is also consistent with what you will find in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. No one can boast in himself, but in Christ, for it is He that has redeemed and given the ability to do good works (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Why is it important to abide in Christ? If you abide in Christ, you will bear much fruit, for apart from Christ, you can do nothing (John 15:1-6).

How do you abide in Christ? You obey Christ’s command. What was His command? “…that you love one another…” John 15:12.

Why is fruit so important? “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples.” (John 15:8).

Fruit glorifies God and proves that you are His disciple. However, that is not the end. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11).

Do you have a full joy? Pause and ponder that question. Is your joy full? Here’s how you can tell whether or not you’re loving others. Do you have a full joy? If you’re loving one another, then you’re abiding in Christ’s love, fruit is produced, God is glorified, and you prove that you’re Christ’s disciple, all from one command – “love one another.”

If you do not love one another, you are not obeying Christ’s command. If you’re not obeying Christ’s command, then you are not abiding in Christ. If you are not abiding in Christ, then you are not producing any fruit. If you are not producing any fruit, then God is not glorified and there is no proof that you’re Christ’s disciple. If none of these are true, then you will not have a full joy in Christ. There is also a warning that if you do not produce fruit, God will remove the branch. However, those that do bear fruit get pruned so that they produce more fruit, glorifying God, proving to be Christ’s disciples, and a full joy is experienced.

Do you want to know what robs you of experiencing full joy? I believe it is spelled out well in James 4:1-12. There is no love for one another in the people of that passage. Their love is for the things of the world and it produces all types of harm, first on the inside and then carried out into actions.

If you love one another, you will experience Christ’s full joy. This is the command: “love one another.”


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