Author: Nick Meeder

June 6, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Have you ever felt rejected? At some point, I think we all have. The question is, what do you do when you feel rejected? Do you ball up inside and bury the hurt? Or, do you get angry and hurt other’s feelings? Do you try to use your charm and tell someone what he or…

May 7, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

This isn’t a post about why life is the way it is, or a response to why something might be going wrong in life. It is more of a written exploration to “why” I do what I do. I’ve been reading a book written by Simon Sinek titled, “Start With Why.” If you haven’t read…

March 18, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

If you’re anything like me, you wish there was an easy button to get everything done that you want to get done, or perhaps change how you want to change.  Interestingly, when you don’t feel like you’re getting results from your change, you give up. However, giving up is precisely what keeps change from happening….

March 16, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

So, on my commutes back and forth between work, I try to listen to audio books since I don’t really make time to sit and read. One book that I’ve been listening to is George W. Bush’s, “Decision Points.” One of the main take aways I’ve learned is that being the President of the United…

March 15, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

If you want to grow in life or spirituality, try teaching people something. One of the greatest ways that I continue to grow is by teaching others. This helps me to stay accountable to practice what I’ve taught others to do.  If you can’t teach other people, then try helping or serving in some capacity. …

March 12, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

It is easy to get caught up in unmet expectations or someone else’s failure. This sometimes happens unknowingly and subconsciously where you and I secretly keep a running total of a person’s failures. Something that happens, though, that I’ve started to notice in myself, is that when I’m keeping a secret little “log book” in…

March 10, 2015 Nick Meeder 6 comments

There is nothing more scary in life than walking through a period where you are tested. Life sometimes goes way out of your control and there seems to be no coherence to the random tragedies that strike.  Yet, what do you and I do in these situations? It’s emotional, scary, fearful, anxious, and desperate. And…

March 8, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Have you ever had a day, week, or period of time in your life that seemed like nothing went right? And even after things started to seem like they were going right, next thing you knew, things were crazy or difficult again. The truth is that this happens to everyone. We like to think that…

March 7, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Do you want to achieve great results in your life? Do you ever wonder why some people are “lucky” and others aren’t? Have you desired something greatly, but never seemed to get it? If you answered, “yes,” you’re not alone. I struggle with this regularly. If there’s one thing Jesus is teaching me, it is…

March 6, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Today I had a major learning experience as I was servicing a customer’s building mechanical system in Washington, DC. My point of contact (who I’ve developed a great trust relationship with) was in a meeting with two other people. My POC was the facilities manager and he was meeting with a personnel manager and an…