Don’t ever believe the lie that you are a victim of your circumstance or someone else’s decision. Yes, you might reap a consequence from one of those aforementioned things, but do not assume that it defines who you are. It cannot limit you, unless you choose to let it.
I’ll share a personal story. Recently at work, on a Friday, after returning from lunch, I did not want to go back and continue inspecting and checking the functionality of some air conditioning equipment for a customer’s data center. I literally sat in my work van, just dreading the thought of going back up on the roof and continuing what I was doing.
The truth was, I felt helpless. I felt unmotivated. I felt down and depressed about completing my tasks.
Then, My thoughts started saying stuff like, “See, you’ll never be at a successful company. You will never be successful because of the leaders over you. If you could just get into the right company, things would change and you’d find the happiness and fulfillment you want.”
What a load of manure! Somewhere, during the 10 minutes I spent contemplating that, I had a different thought. I thought, “Well, those who have been successful and found the happiness and fulfillment that they want in life, did so in spite of their circumstances or other people. As a matter of fact, they probably overcame just to prove to themselves that they could.”
And with that, I decided that I needed to choose to go to work! I chose to engage and tackle the remaining things I needed to do for work. I also chose to run everywhere I went so that I’d burn some of the lunch off that was also effecting my mood. I am thrilled to tell you that I accomplished my remaining tasks for the day and went above and beyond by completing some other things that needed to get done.
My point in sharing this personal story is to show you that you’re not a captive of circumstances or other people’s decisions. You have the ability to make better decisions. You don’t have to wait for someone to fix your life, or the right friends to come into your life, or find the right company, you can choose today. No one is going to change your life for you.
The victim mentality does not empower you to move forward in life because it tells you that you’re worthless and not capable of greater things. It looks at your present circumstances and defines you by what you don’t have. It says things like, ‘If you were smart and capable, you would have what you want. Since you don’t have what you want, it’s because you’re not smart enough and other people or the “system” is keeping you from it.’
Get your value and worth from Jesus Christ, then it doesn’t matter about your circumstances because you can make new decisions to go from where you are to where you want to be. Once you’re headed on that path, embrace failure and the journey of life. You will not get what you want in one day or even one month. These things take time. Time is your friend, but few are diligent enough to make great decisions over an extended period of time.
God has given you the ability to choose. You are responsible for your decisions. No one is responsible for where you are in life except yourself by the decisions you’ve made.
If you want to make better decisions, make your decisions through surrender to God. He knows what is best for you. He formed you and made you in His likeness. He loves you like His own son or daughter and He’s waiting for you with open arms. His plan is the best. If you don’t believe that God’s plan is best or that He’s a good Father, then ask yourself, “Where did I get my understanding of what a True and Good Father is?”
As children, we get our understanding of who God is based on our earthly influencers. If you don’t believe that God is good, then visit your past influencers and discover what bad belief systems you have based on how those relationships effected you.
Question: Where do you want to be in life and what is keeping you from it? Please leave a comment.
If you want more clarity in life, if you want to know your purpose and higher calling, or you just want some clarity in what you should do next, take LifePlan. You can do so by clicking on the menu link titled “Get a LifePlan,” then send me a message and way to contact you. I’d recommend going through the LifePlan event because there is no judgement, no condemnation, and it is a safe environment because it’s not my job to tell you what to do with your life. Sometimes, you need someone to guide you and help you. That is what LifePlan does. It guides you to discover the awesome LifePlan God has for you and then shows you how to live it!