Do You Believe God has Great Things for You?

November 11, 2014 Nick Meeder No comments exist
How great do you believe God is? Is He big enough for you?
I find myself chasing after small passions instead of God. Have you ever found yourself doing this? Is it because you think somehow your plan would be better than God’s?
Everything I read in scripture points to God and His great and amazing work through His people. Yet, that knowledge doesn’t seem to result in a life that produces fruit consistent with that knowledge, at least, not as often as I’d like.
The story of Joseph has recently been an inspiration to me as I’ve read it. You should read it. It starts in Genesis 37. Joseph’s story is one of redemption, restoration, and salvation. It is God’s story. And it was a foreshadow of the work Jesus would do.
However, the story has it’s dark points for Joseph on the path God had for him to redeem and save Jacob, his father’s, family. Could you imagine being betrayed by your own brothers, sold by them into slavery, being accused falsely even after multiplying everything in your master’s house, then being imprisoned? In that situation, would your attitude towards God’s plan for you still be good, or would you be resentful and bitter?
Yet, it was part of God’s love and compassion for Jacob, and later, to call a people, the people of Israel (remember God changed Jacob’s name to Israel in Genesis 35), later led out of bondage by Moses. Can you see God’s love and work in the story of Joseph? Now, look at your own life and all the hardships you’ve gone through. Can you see God’s love and mercy in your own life, in all the hardships and trials? I’m not saying that God made you go through them, but that He can work it out for your own good (Romans 8:28), if you have the correct attitude. Would you still have the same attitude and faithfulness as Joseph did? Have the events of your life allowed you to grow in your understanding of God, or have they pushed you farther from Him? Have you become resentful and bitter?
God’s heart beats for you! He loves you! Your life isn’t over yet in God’s story. Will you let your life be a story of redemption, purpose, and love in God’s story just like the story of Joseph?
Do you believe God has great things for you?

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