Jesus, in John 5:19, said that He only does what He sees the Father doing.
Wow, let’s be honest, how many of us see what the Father is doing? And, when we do see it, how many of us actually participate?
Today, start being effective in spreading God’s love and generosity by asking Him to open your eyes to what He’s doing around you. Maybe at work today, there’s a lady who is really hurting and needs your encouragement and empathy. Maybe there’s a guy at your job who is harsh and a jerk because his wife tells him how much he fails as a man of the house. Tell him you appreciate him and take him out to lunch. Maybe you’re a stay at home mom. You’re training up the next generation of people to be a light in this dark world. You’re shaping their character.
The more you look for what God is doing around you, the more clearly you will perceive it. It takes practice, but just like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it will become. Ask God to show you what He’s doing and how you can be a part of His story.