How to Overcome Discontentment and Frustration

February 24, 2016 Nick Meeder No comments exist


I deal with discontentment and frustration on a weekly basis. It keeps me down and my focus on the wrong things. It robs me of winning everyday. I had a mentor tell me that discontentment and frustration stem from unmet expectations. He also said that failed expectations have a way of crippling me, when really, all that is needed is for me to change my expectations. When I expect something, I begin to perceive it as a right and that I’m entitled to it. He further told me that, in life, I’m really not entitled to anything. So he challenged me to learn to change my expectations and let go of perceived rights or entitlement.

So, what does it look like practically? The difficulty in changing my expectations is changing my emotions and thinking. However, I’ve discovered that it is something I can do just by deciding. You cannot change your expectations if you hold on to them.

So, first, understand that you overcome discontentment and frustration by choosing to! You are not a captive of your emotions to do their bidding. You can control your emotions. Your emotions follow what you choose to focus on.

Second, You overcome discontentment and frustration by building your relationship with God strong enough that you trust whatever comes your way in life. When you COMPLETELY trust God, it is easy to change your expectations.

Third, overcome discontentment with thankfulness. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have. Make a list of all the things you are thankful for. When you become thankful, you are acknowledging that you don’t deserve what you have been given.


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