How to Stop Bad Attitudes from Ruining Your Career in HVAC

September 23, 2014 Nick Meeder No comments exist
Have you ever been around a very negative person while working on a job together. I’m sure you have because these people seem to be everywhere. The problem is that if you’re not intentional, you’ll find yourself joining in their cynicism. This creates very unhealthy attitudes towards your company, leaders, co-workers, and subverts your productivity, not to mention you will become an unpleasant person to be around. Often, you’ll find yourself playing the victim or worse maligning someone else (who will eventually find out because HVAC tech are the worst gossips I’ve ever met). 

Usually, victim cynicism stems from blame shifting. Blaming circumstances or others for a compressor changeout gone bad, or the predicament of the company. “Why didn’t our dispatcher order the right compressor?” Why is it that our sales department can’t seem to find any work.” Or “The job failed because the salesman didn’t bid the job properly.” Have you ever heard these? 

The issue is that these are victim questions. They shift the responsibility to other people’s actions. However, if you shift the blame and responsibility, then you are a victim of your circumstances. You cannot control the outcome in life or try and do better in life because your circumstances are determined by others’ choices.

Instead, be proactive and take responsibility for what you can do or influence. Ask questions like, “How could I have helped the salesman bid the job properly?” “How can I help the dispatcher to order the right compressor next time?” “What could I do to change our company?” These types of questions empower you and make you the responsible person. You’re no longer a victim of your circumstances or others’ decisions; you can help facilitate change.

It’s easier, though, to be the victim. When you’re the victim, there’s no action or responsibility on you’re part. It’s everyone else’s fault. The other people must change, not you. However, you’ll become a person people avoid, shallow and hollow in relationships. Don’t choose the victim path, take responsibility for your actions and demand of yourself higher performance.

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