Mental Focus

January 16, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Have you ever had a day where you feel like you accomplished nothing? You did lots of stuff, but it was just stuff, nothing significant.



I have found one reason that I do not do what is significant is because of too many distractions. I have mental ADD. Some would probably call me “mental,” haha! However, I have not been diagnosed with it, but let me explain what I mean. While I’m working on one thing, I’ll see or remember another task or project that I was working on, but forgot about. So, I’ll say to myself, “Oh, I forgot about that. I’ll do that really quickly now before I forget again,” and then I forget what I had originally intended to work on. Then, I run from the next thing I forgot about to the next.

You combat distraction with focus. Along with focus, you must have periods of scheduled time dedicated to those things in life that are significant. This way, you know ahead of time what you’re supposed to be focussing on because you have a schedule. If you don’t have a schedule, you won’t know what you’re supposed to be working on.

In summary, there’s two things to work on to eliminate distraction and accomplish the things which are significant in your life.

1. Have periods of mental focus for particular tasks, projects, or relationships

2. Make a schedule so you have some idea of what and when to focus on the things that are significant.

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