If you want to grow in life or spirituality, try teaching people something. One of the greatest ways that I continue to grow is by teaching others. This helps me to stay accountable to practice what I’ve taught others to do.
If you can’t teach other people, then try helping or serving in some capacity.
In our consumer and self-driven culture, those who are truly content are those who help others in some capacity. Why? Because it is a form of generosity and we were created to give – that is what God did.
It might be by sharing ideas with other people. It might be teaching people to handle their money biblically. It could be installing an electrical system in someone’s house. It might be by helping other people become healthier and stronger at a gym. Find something you enjoy doing that benefits other people.
This is how value is created and added to other people. It starts, though, by becoming more concerned with someone else’s well being. That can’t happen when all you think about is yourself. Learn to become inter-dependent, instead of self-dependent. There is a direct correlation with your level of contentment and helping people.