Paralysis by Analysis

September 7, 2014 Nick Meeder No comments exist

This is the issue we get caught on. There are two good options and you don’t know which one to choose.


Which one is right?
Which one is my purpose or calling?
Which one will yield the life I desire?
What if I choose the wrong one?
What about the people I’m letting down?
What will they think of me?

These questions will not be answered until a decision to act is made. It is only through action that the questions will have their answer in reality. But to not take action will never give you the answer to your questions. Indecision is what makes people faulter and never move forward.

It’s true, you might make the wrong decision. However, you’re not defined by the failure unless you give it that power over you. Make mistakes, but only make them once and then add to yourself wisdom.

The purpose of analysis is to come to a conclusion. Don’t get stuck in analysis. Make a decision.

PS – Making a decision can involve delaying a decision. The amount of time should be proportional to the weight of the choice. However, set a deadline and stick to it.

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