Why Your Life Seems to be Consistently Inconsistent

March 8, 2015 Nick Meeder No comments exist

Have you ever had a day, week, or period of time in your life that seemed like nothing went right? And even after things started to seem like they were going right, next thing you knew, things were crazy or difficult again.

The truth is that this happens to everyone. We like to think that our particular trial or hardship is isolated to us and somehow everyone else has the perfect life. “If only I could be like so and so, then I’d be happy in life,” is a typical line in our heads.

Sometimes, I cause my own suffering or difficulty. Other times I have no control over it.

Life will always throw curve balls at you. God allows this to help you grow and become a person that reflects Christ. However, you get to choose how you’ll respond to life. I think the most destructive question we ask sometimes is, “Why is this happening to me?” It is destructive because it limits, isolates, and victimizes you; it renders you powerless. 

The correct question is, “God, how do you want me to learn and grow from this?” This question takes the focus off of the temporal and gives you an eternal context to appropriately respond to life.

Your life is consistently inconsistent because that is how God gets you to grow. If you never had to change, you would never grow.

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